As a manufacturer of reclaim compatible carwash chemicals, I am disappointed when I read articles in trade publications that recommend bandages to “fix” reclaim system odors. Some of the suggested solutions include chlorine, pit deodorizers, ultraviolet lights and ozone. Many “solutions” on addressing pit odors attempt to mask the real issue. Preventing reclaim system odors should focus on proper system design, which includes the selection of reclaim compatible chemicals.

Is there a lack of industry knowledge about the proper design of reclaim systems and the role chemistry plays? A carwash is a complicated system of equipment, chemicals, water and more. Either the carwash owner needs to understand a lot of moving parts or depend upon a trusted vendor’s expertise.

bandages for a reclaim system - these do not work

Reclaim system odor is a bio-chemical problem that can be easily fixed with the right carwash chemicals. Every carwash chemical manufacturer should be able to offer reclaim compatible chemicals with exceptional cleaning performance at a competitive price. If we are truly committed to giving our customers value and helping them to solve problems in their wash, why are we making them buy bandages?

At Ver-tech we have invested in research to develop carwash chemicals that work in conjunction with reclaim systems. Customers who put our chemicals online notice greatly reduced odors almost immediately. An e-book about reclaim compatibility is available for download on our website.

Rather than recommending solutions that take advantage of customers’ lack of knowledge, we need to solve problems systemically, educate our customers and stop selling bandages.

My goal is always to continue to help our industry improve and I welcome a discussion with anyone, our valued customers or not, on this important topic.

Tony Vertin, CEO, Ver-tech Labs,