Water is the most important natural resource that all living things need. The lack of water is headline news. We all know that using less water is the most practical and environment-friendly approach for water conservation. In addition to being good for the environment, saving water is smart business. If you are a car wash owner, it is likely that water and sewer costs are your fastest rising costs in your wash. With a water reclaim system, your car wash recycles thousands of gallons of wastewater which saves water, lowers water costs and makes a positive impact in your community.

Are you a car wash owner that has installed a reclaim system but never use it? I travel around the country, many owners have voiced the opinion that the reclaim water is ‘dirty’ and the unpleasant odors leave a bad impression with their customers. Both issues are related to carwash chemistry.

What does reclaim compatible car wash chemistry mean? Typically, the chemical components that provide soil/road film removal in soap end detergents are quite different from chemical components that redeposit “desirable films” in the wax end products. If the components are incompatible they will react together creating insoluble (unable to be dissolved in water) deposits. This same chemical incompatibility can occur on a grand scale in a reclaim system where all the soap products and wax products intermingle. If any of the soap products contain reactive ingredients dissimilar to those in the wax products, insoluble precipitates will begin to form and grow as they gather and absorb the dispersed road film, oils, and dirt. Large clumps are formed within the system which can harbor bacteria that digest the soils and in turn excrete self-protective gases. The most infamous gas produced is the “rotten egg” smelling hydrogen sulfide. When you use traditional (non-reclaim) chemistry, you will create a ‘dirty’ reclaim system.  Dirty cars, dirty walls, dirty equipment and noxious odors.

In contrast, reclaim compatible car wash chemical detergents contain chemical components that do not react with the reclaim compatible wax end products. No insoluble masses that leave dirty film on cars and friction fabrics in your wash.  No noxious odors emanating from your reclaim system. The result is cleaner water, cleaner cars and less maintenance on your reclaim system.

Do reclaim compatible products have less cleaning power? Nothing could be further from the truth   In fact, Ver-tech Labs chemical products have greater cleaning and drying power than traditional, old-school chemistry.   Ver-tech Labs manufactures reclaim compatible chemical products that exceed cleaning expectations. Our reclaim compatible product line addresses all applications, concentrates and products with ceramic technology.

When you use Ver-tech Labs reclaim compatible chemicals, throughout your system, your recycled water will help you to clean better. Our products are formulated to work together and maintain a free flowing environment that lets your system work. No noxious odors and clean reuse water. Car washes that switch to our reclaim compatible products notice cleaner cars immediately, a significant improvement in odors within 48 hours and almost all reclaim odors eliminated within one week.

Water conservation and cleaning better can be the new normal when you use the best reclaim compatible chemicals from Ver-tech Labs.



Tony Vertin | CEO, Ver-tech Labs | tvertin@ver-techlabs.com