Whether you own a commercial truck wash, manage a large fleet, oversee a municipal operation, or maintain a single truck, our experts are here to help you clean smarter and more effectively. We tailor solutions to tackle tough road grime, grease, and other challenges with products designed for your specific needs. Our team also ensures compatibility with your current equipment and can recommend upgrades to enhance your cleaning efficiency.
Save time and achieve superior results with Ver-tech’s professional-grade chemicals and industry expertise. Contact us today for personalized advice and discover how Ver-tech can help you Clean Better.

Alkaline Cleaners
Alkaline (high pH) products are formulated to remove organic type soils like dirt, grime, oils, bug residue and grease.

Acid Detergents and Aluminum Brighteners
Acid (low pH) products are designed to remove inorganic soils like minerals, deposits, and hard water scale, while also cleaning glass and brightening metals.

EXT450 Salt Shield®
Salt Shield® cleans and neutralizes road salts while adding a protective barrier to help prevent corrosion.

Additional Truck Wash Products
Neutral Detergents, Tire and Wheel Cleaners, Degreasers, Tar Removers and other Specialty Cleaning Products