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Have you ever been curious about the production process of your carwash chemicals?  Are you interested in expanding your knowledge of carwash chemistry and learning valuable tips to optimize your results?

Here at Ver-tech Labs, we are thrilled to offer the opportunity to gain access to these very things.  In 2023, we introduced “Visit Ver-tech” dates, where our customers and distributor partners had the chance to personally experience our facility, explore our laboratory, receive comprehensive training on customized chemistry, and engage in open discussions. 

What can you expect during a Ver-tech Visit?

Plant Tour | We take immense pride in showcasing the exceptional quality and consistency of our manufacturing, validated by our ISO 9001:2015 certification. Customers are granted exclusive opportunity to observe the processes involved in the creation, packaging and preparation for shipment of our products.

Lab Tour | Additionally, a tour of our cutting-edge laboratory and seeing firsthand the innovation behind our chemistry. This can include engaging hands-on chemical training and exploring new techniques to enhance your operations. If you have an interest in titration, this is the perfect occasion to refresh your memory or acquire new skills to use at your own facility.

Customized Chemistry Training | Our experienced technical team will provide personalized training on the functions and benefits of our products, tailored specifically to the needs of your carwash and/or warehouse.

Q&A – Open Discussion | One of the many advantages to our visits is the opportunity for open dialogue and discussion between customers. This not only allows for valuable conversations between customers but also provides us with insights into different methods and their effectiveness.

Given the positive feedback in 2023 we have decided to offer 6 dates throughout 2024, with the possibility of adding more as demand requires. If you are eager to see exceptional quality firsthand, as well as meet our dedicated Ver-tech team members, please reach out to your Ver-tech sales representative and receive your invite to the plant.

2024 DATES

MAR 20th  |  JUN 20th  |  JUL 17th  |  SEP 18th  |  OCT 16th. |  NOV 13th

Contact your Ver-tech Labs representative to reserve your spot.