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Every winter, hundreds of trucks spread salt to de-ice roads, making driving safer but also creating a significant challenge: vehicle corrosion. Road salt can quickly corrode metal surfaces, leading to costly damage beyond what the eye can see.  With Salt Shield® in your wash packages, you can offer your customers the protection they need – and boost your sales in the process!

How Road Salt Damages Vehicles

Salt can damage more than just your car’s surface including:

  • Hydraulic brake and fuel line leaks
  • Corroded coil springs, exhaust, mufflers, brakes, rotors, axles and more
  • Rust under paint chips and cracks where salt sneaks in and eats away at the metal

How Often Should Customers Wash Their Vehicles in Winter?

For customers in winter salt zones, regular washes – especially underbody flushes – are essential.


  • Underbody flushes are crucial to reach areas that are hardest to clean but most affected by salt.
  • Frequent washing helps maintain your vehicles health
  • Commercial washes are ideal as they target the undercarriage better than a hand wash, making them essential after a snowstorm, rural road drive, construction zone pass, or coastal highway journey.

Why Salt Shield?

Salt Shield offers unmatched protection against road salt, deicers and dust suppressants.

  • Dual-layered defense:  First, a low pH detergent neutralizes salts and removes sodium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Barrier film formation: A special protective layer bonds to iron and steel, preventing salt from corroding these surfaces. With frequent use, the protective film strengthens, enhancing the defense against salt corrosion.

Wash with Salt Shield and encourage your customers to protect their vehicles from winter’s harsh effects and keep corrosion at bay.  As they protect their vehicles, you’ll also see a boost in sales.

Prevent vehicle corrosion & Boost your Sales with Salt Shield®