Does your car wash trench smell like a swamp? Are your customers turned off by the smell of rotten eggs? Well you may never know if your customers are disgusted with the smell because they just never come back. It’s like that spot on the state fairground where someone threw up fried liverwurst sandwich on a stick…you take a wide berth around it. That little spot could be your car wash.

Many car wash owners use ozone and additives like extra bacteria, bleach and hydrogen peroxide. It might work for a few hours or even a few days but the stink comes back and you are once again adding more stuff. Wouldn’t it be nice to eliminate this chore? How can you get rid of the smell, put out clean cars and keep happy customers?

Simple. Use Ver-tech Labs Reclaim Compatible products. The key point is reclaim compatible…not “reclaim friendly”, “green”, “organic” or “biodegradable”… reclaim compatible. Our reclaim compatible products use the right type of chemistry to eliminate odors without the need for pit additives.

Contact Ver-tech Labs today and get rid of that trench stench for good.